Elementarze polskie (od XVI do początku XX wieku) świadectwem kształtowania odbiorców tekstów kultury. Rozważania po lekturze monografii Franciszka Pilarczyka
[ 1 ] Wydział Humanistyczny, Akademia im. Jakuba z Paradyża | [ P ] employee
scientific article
- elementarze polskie
- monografia Franciszka Pilarczyka
- paradygmat odbioru
- tekst propagandowy
- Polish primers
- Franciszek Pilarczyk's monograph
- reception paradigm
- propaganda text
EN This paper’s objective is to show the paradigm of the reception of texts of culture, as formed by elementary education. It is inspired by Franciszek Pilarczyk’s work entitled Elementarze polskie od ich XVI-wiecznych początków do II wojny światowej. Próba monografii księgoznawczej (Polish primers since their 16th-century beginnings till the 2nd World War. An attempt at a book studies monograph). The above-mentioned monograph has so far been the most comprehensive compendium of knowledge on reading textbooks. This paper demonstrates that primers are propaganda texts. Moreover, it specifies the features of the type of a reader of culture signs created under their influence. The paper has also a postulatory function – it proposes to include analyses of Polish primers into the research areas of anthropology and sociolology of literature.
269 - 280
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at the time of publication