Search results (18)
- Journal title ISSN eISSN Publisher name Current scoring
- Acta Tecnología 20
- Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems 2415-6698 20
- Applied Sciences 2076-3417 100
- Archives of Materials Science and Engineering 1897-2764 2300-8679 70
- Catalysis Letters 1011-372X 70
- Catalysts 2073-4344 100
- e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology 1348-0391 20
- Food Science and Technology Research 1344-6606 20
- International Journal of Molecular Sciences 1422-0067 1422-0067 140
- MEASUREMENT 0263-2241 1873-412X 200
- Molecules 1420-3049 1420-3049 140
- Polish Journal of Chemical Technology 1509-8117 1899-4741 70
- Polymers 2073-4360 100
- Processes 2227-9717 2227-9717 MDPI AG 70
- Przemysł Chemiczny 0033-2496 2449-9951 70
- Reaction Kinetics Mechanisms and Catalysis 1878-5190 1878-5204 40
- RSC Advances 2046-2069 100
- SN Applied Sciences 2523-3963 2523-3971 20
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