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GNSS Spoofing Detection Using Static or Rotating Single-Antenna of a Static or Moving Victim


[ 1 ] Wydział Techniczny, Akademia im. Jakuba z Paradyża | [ P ] pracownik

Dyscyplina naukowa (Ustawa 2.0)

[2.3] Informatyka techniczna i telekomunikacja

Rok publikacji


Opublikowano w

IEEE Access

Rocznik: 2018 | Tom: 6

Typ artykułu

artykuł naukowy

Język publikacji


Słowa kluczowe
  • Antispoofing, antiterrorism, sea level measurement, single-antenna receivers, spoofer, spoofing detection algorithm, transport safety.

EN GNSS spoofing works as follows: the GNSS signal generator transmits a signal simulation of several satellites at the GNSS frequency. If the level of the simulated signal exceeds the signal strength of real satellites, the GNSS receiver will ‘‘capture’’ the fake signal and calculate the position based on it. All receivers that fall into the spoofing zone will calculate the same coordinates, while the receivers located in different places will have a slight mismatch in time. The interference can be done away with such interference that simulates the movement of the receiver along the path defined by the spoofer. Receiver of the GNSS signals determines the XYZT coordinates. Suppose that the receiver has a built-in clock, the accuracy of which is comparable to the accuracy of the clock of GNSS, i.e., in the framework of this paper, we abstract from the need for correction of T. For a ship, only the XY coordinates are significant, so we will focus only on the calculations of the XY coordinates, and the Z coordinate is used only to detect a spoofing. This paper proposes three methods of spoofing detection using a single antenna, including measuring the altitude of a victim, measuring the coordinates of a moving victim at two points on the route, and measuring the victim’s coordinates in two points of space using a rotating antenna.

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79074 - 79081





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